Make Your Own Blanket | DIY Project

YAYYY!! This is my first post in my DIY project series, so I thought I would make it something relatively simple. 
I know, they are super simple to make. But not everyone knows how to make them, so I thought I would do a blog post on how to make this simple, yet cosy blanket. I have made 4 in the past month, so you could say I am a little obsessed with them.

What you will need:
1. 2 different colors of Fleece material - I get mine from Hobby Lobby, but you can get fleece from tons of different places for relatively cheap. As you can see I have a plain pink fleece, and then a green fleece with flowers and ladybugs. I like to get a plain color on the back, with a patterned front, but you can do whatever you like! I also usually get about two yards, but for this blog post the blanket I am making is only one yard, because it is for my 2 year old niece. 
2. Fabric Scissors
YES... That is really all you will need. Like I said it is extremely simple.

FIRST, you want to place your two pieces of fleece on top of each other. Usually one piece is cut slightly bigger than the other, so lay the bigger piece on the bottom, like the picture to the right. Then what you want to do is to cut some off where needs be so it looks like the picture on the left. It doesn't need to be perfect, just roughly the same width and length. 

NEXT, you want to cut the corners off. I usually do about 3 inches by 3 inches, This is so that when you do the tie part, it doesn't go all weird and bunchy at the corners. When you are done it should look something like the pictures above.

After this you want to cut 3 inch strips about an inch and a half apart. I just do this free handed and kind of guestimate. If you want to do it perfectly you can, but honestly when you tie it together it looks good regardless. It should look something like the picture above when the whole blanket has been cut.

When you have cut your strips out, you then want to tie your strips. I do two knots so that they stay together. The first picture is one knot, the second picture is double knotted. So it should look something like the picture above when you have started to tie the knots! You do not need to tie them super tight, but if you want to then go for it! BEWARE... It does take a bit of patience to tie all of the knots but it is totally worth it. 

After you have finished tieing each strip together, YOU ARE DONE. It is seriously that easy? And the blankets look amazing when they are done! 
I hope you enjoyed my first DIY Project. I know it was extremely simple, but it is something I love to make! I hope you enjoy making them if you do after reading this post. Tag me or comment below your pictures if you do decide to make one, I would love to see it!! 

If you have gotten this far, YOU ROCK! Please remember to follow my blog! I am trying to make it to 100 followers before I get married :) Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my blog, I really really appreciate it. I appreciate all your comments, and would love to hear from you! Remember if you are new, to follow and check out my social media links!
Jessica Ann xx
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  1. This is so cute! I should really try making these someday :):)
    ~Autumn| Hopeful, Faithful and Creative

    1. It is soooo easy, and so cosy you definitely need to!!!
      jessica ann x

  2. this is easy and cute! x

    jess x |

  3. I didn't think it would be this easy when I saw the picture! So cute! | Acqua xx

